Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Business Communication| Parts of a Speech


Well-organized speech will usually fall into three distinctive divisions the introduction, main body of the speech and the conclusion. Each of these parts of the speech is important and servers a particular purpose that cannot easily be ignored.


As in written communication you start with salutation, being your speech with ladies and gentlemen or any other form depending on the audience. Speaker must keep his eyes on the audience.
The speech introduction has two main purpose on is to create interest in the subject and the second is to suggest the direction in which the subject will be developed.
The first few minutes a speech are usually the most difficult. During the period the speaker is attempting to adjust himself to the speech situation and the audience is becoming adjust to the speaker and his purpose. Most speakers gauge their audience to be only passively interested at the outset. It is necessary the to break into their attention during these few minutes. The speaker may say something that will arouse their interest  - something that will make them listen for example.
(1)By telling a story that is relevant to your subject.
(2)By asking questions to create sense of participant among the listeners.
(3)By telling some funny story or joke to enliven your audience and lift their mood.
By all means a beginner speaker should avoid apologies for not being an experienced public speaker. This merely prepares the audience to expect the worst and perhaps even look for poorer part for the speech.
Because first impression are the strongest and a speaker is in need of creating a good first impression, the introduction must be planned very carefully. Something must be selected for the opening.
After the audience has focused on the speaker and his speech, he must indicate something of the general plan of his speech. The audience must have a few hints about the thing to come later in the speech. This will better prepare the audience so that they may follow easily the trend of thought.


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