Business Problems ( Essentials of Starting Business)

What Do You Mean By Business Problems? What Do You Know About The Business Under Private and Public Ownership?

Economic Systems

What Do You Know About Capitalism? What do you know about socialism?.

Business Environment And Social Responsibilities

How A Business Can Meet Its Social Responsibilities? What Do you Mean By Social Responsibilities?.

Sole Proprietorship

Define Sole Proprietorship? Under What Circumstances The Sole Proprietorship Business Is Converted Into Partnership?.

Wholeselling And Retailing

What Are The Characteristics Of Wholesaler? Write Down The Characteristics Of Retail Trade.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Business Communication| Dictating Procedures


Remember these key points in dictating are similar to the steps in making an oral presentation.

1.     Identify the reader
2.     Determine the purpose of the communication.
3.     Organize the idea to the presented , and
4.     Outline the major and minor points to be covered in the dictation process

Of course, before you more forward with any these four points, you should know to use the equipment how to step, erase, pause, and play back. But with that knowledge in mind, you can be the dictation process.

Normally you will initial a letter or report or replying to the piece of correspondence just received .In any ease the reader must be identified .Is the recipient a customer? Dealer? Prospect? Employee? Government official? Next , what is your purpose? To complete a sale? Make an adjustment? Enter a claim? Refuse a request? Knowing the purpose is important for it is the purpose that often determines the organization of communication

Everyone has slightly different way of organizing or outlines the message to be dictated. Some individual prefer to enter the outline in the marginal or at the bottom of the letter being answered. Other find it easier to use a separate sheet of paper and some people are comfortable making up the outline in their heads. Regardless of the method, an outline is vital. When it has complete review it for.

1.     Logical sequence of ideas (obviously it is easier to move ideas around in the outline than it is in the finished letter or report;
2.     Possible omission of ideas; and
3.     Possible duplication or addition of unnecessary topics.

Now just one more point before dictating: Do you have the correct spelling of recipient`s name? The address Model number and specification data?
You will find a little practice will help you to become adopt as a dictator. And you will save a great deal of time in the bargain. The key is the outline if it is logical sufficiently detailed, and carefully edited dictating from it will prove to be very easy indeed.

The dictation should establish a reasonable speed of dictation; if you are dictating in word – processing center, the organization will have established norms for dictating speeds.

Be sure to be very clear in dictating. Pronounce words distinctly and spell any unusual word or names. Also provide the transaction with oral clues as to where you want certain kinds of punctuation.

Remember that he transaction may be very unfamiliar with the situation which you know well; thus it will be up to you to dictate in a manner that will enable the transcribe to produce perfect copy.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020



Before you dictate prepare! Know your purpose. Visualize your reader and consider also your security that will listen to your oral message and transcribe it. Collect all material and facts you will need for the content of your message. Organization your thoughts. Prepare an outline  - with keep words or phrases. If you are answering a letter, you might jot main point in its margin. Set aside sufficient time so you are not pressured and are free from interruptions – especially if your dictation is directly to a stenographer instead of to a machine.
Here are good oral practices to follow while dictating:
1 Dictate from your using language that follows the C’s principles and good organization.

2 Enunciate clearly. Very few people can speak clearly with candy gum or cigarette in their month. He especially careful with plurals and figures that sound similar such as fifty and sixty (“five o” “six o” are much more definite). Distinguish clearly between similar sounds like p and b, m and n, f and v, f and d. Sometimes you need to say “T as in tape” or the like.

3  Spell unusual words and names when using them for the first time. Also be especially careful with the many English words that are similar in sound but different in meaning and spelling. Here are a few examples
Accept                  Except                                              Ordinance                  Ordnance
Addition               Edition                                              Practical                      Practicable.
Affect                    Effect                                                Principal                      Principle

4 Dictating at the beginning of the message any special instruction such as extra copies figures. Or your desire for a rough draft only. For a complicated message report, letter, memo, speech . etc. you will surely want to edit and revise before it is mailed. Thus be sure to ask for a rough draft, double spaced. Your correct instruction can save time as well as paper and supplies.

If your office has a magnetic card or magnetic tape typewriter, you and your typist can save still more time. You can then makes changes or additions easily with out having an entire  report draft retyped. A variation on the magnetic tape typewriter is the word processor. If you have in your office your own word processor your secretary could return to you the draft copy and the ‘floppy’, latter to be inserted in your machine for additional editing.

5 Always dictate as  much punctuation as your transcribe needs to turn out an accurate, attractive message quickly. At least  dictate “paragraph” to indicate each new paragraph: “quote” “unquoted”, ”parenthesis”, “close parenthesis”.

6 Dictate at a normal rate as you talk. Avoid long pauses followed by rapid dictation.

7 Let your secretary use his or her initiative as to grammar corrections, additional punctuation, and arrangement of your letter, memos and reports.

8 When dictating a reply to a letter received, you can save both your time and your stenographer’s time if you dictate only the name of the addressee. Your stenograph can later copy the full address form the letter you return after you have dictate your reply.

9 Especially when dictating by telephone or on a machine (not face to face to a secretary), be sure to omit any side comments that are neither for the operator’s instructions nor for your addressee. For statements like “That guy is really nuts” or “I don’t believe what drain customer wrote” within the transcribe letter. Naturally it had to be revised.

10 If you have many important figures to be tabulated write them on paper from which the stenographer can copy them.

11 Keep the mail you are answering in an orderly pile by turns each letter (or memo) upside down when you have finished answering it. After all your dictation is completed, your entire pile of answering incoming correspondence will be in order for your stenographer to obtain needed information. Attach files copies, and so forth.

12 Set aside definite dictation periods (for instance a set time for each morning and / or afternoon) with no interruptions by telephone or callers: this can save you and your company tie and money.

13 Standardize basic instruction and put them in writing for your transcribers – to eliminate needless “Send a copy with enclosure to our Portland office.”
14 Dictate less and delegate more – if you have an experienced secretary. For repetitive situations develop effective interchangeable form paragraphs she or he can use easily. Dictate only the basic idea, and let your secretary compose the routine letters.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Dictating Procedure Business Communication


Remember these key points in dictating are similar to the steps in making an oral presentation.

1 Identify the reader.
2 Determine the purpose of the communication.
3 Organize the idea to the presented, and
4 Outline the major and minor points to be covered in the dictation process.

Of course, before you more forward with any of these four points, you should know to use the equipment how to step, erase, pause, and play back. But with that knowledge in mind, you can be the dictation process.

Normally you will initial a letter report or replying to the piece of correspondence just received. In any case the reader must be identified. Is the recipient a customer? Dealer? Prospect ? Employee? Government official? Next, what is your purpose that often determines the organization of the communication.

Everyone has slightly different way of organization or outlines the message to  be dictated. Some individual prefer to enter the outlines in the marginal or at the bottom of the letter being answered. Others find it easier to use a separate sheet of paper and some people are comfortable making up the outline in their heads. Regardless of the method, an outline is vital. When it has complete review it for.

1 Logical sequence of ideas (obviously it is easier to moves ideas around in the outline than it is in the finished letter or report :
2 Possible omission of ideas: and
3 Possible duplication or addition of unnecessary topics.

Now just one more point before dictating: Do you have the correct spelling of the recipient’s name? The address? Model number and  specification data?

You will find a little practice will help you to become adopt as a dictator. And you will save a great deal of time in the bargain. The key is the outline if it is logical sufficiently detailed, and carefully edited dictating from it will prove to  be very easy indeed.

The dictation should establish a reasonable speed of dictation; if you are dictating in a word processing center, the organization will have established norms for dictating speeds.

Be sure to be very clear in dictating. Pronounce words distinctly and spell any usually words or names. Also provide the transaction with oral clues as to where you want certain kinds of punctuation.

Remember that be transaction may be very unfamiliar with the situation which you know well; thus it well be up to dictate in a manner that will enable the transcribe to product perfect copy.

Business Communication | Dictation


Managers may requires preparing letters, memos, circular or reports in performance of their managerial duties. These may be dictated to his secretary or stenographer. Dictation is an important job and every care is to be taken to ensure that dictation work has been done is an effective manner.
The following suggestion that will help in effective dictation:

1 Try to speak very clearly. While dictating do not put candy chewing or cigarette in mouth.

2 Spell unusual words and names when using them for the first time
3 If you have any special instruction then dictate if before beginning the message such as, put extra carbon for certain persons or make a rough draft only etc.

4 Always dictate as much punctuations as your transcriber need to turn out and accurate, attractive message quickly. Particularly dictate “new paragraph” for each new paragraph.

5 Dictate at a normal speed just you talk. It is thoughtful to slow down a little while reading an inside address or any phone number.

6 Let your secretary use his initiative as to grammar correction additional punctuation and arrangement of your letters, memos and report.

7 When dictating a reply to a received, try to dictate only the name of the addressee. Your stenographer can later copy the full address from the letter which you return after dictating your reply.

8 Keep the mail in an orderly by turning each letter upside down when you have finished answering it.

9 Fix the definite time for your dictation. For instance a set time for each morning and or after noon with no interruptions by telephone or callers.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Business Communication | Leadership


Simply stated, leadership is the process  of influencing the behavior of others towards the attainment of desired goal or purpose in given circumstances. Leadership is a tools to get the desired work done through employees or subordinates. Leadership is majorly explained on the basis of influence of relation ships and motivational considerations. One methods of solving the problems of motivation is the effort to provides inspiring and effective leadership to the employee .The success of a manager is largely decided by the fact as to how much effective he is as a leader. Leadership is the ability to make people act the way the manager or leader wants. It is the process of influencing others to become what they are capable of becoming in the view of the leader. Leadership in essence, is carrying the people with the leader by their consent.


Theo Haimann. “Leadership can be defined as the process by which an executive imaginatively directs, guides and influences the work of others on choosing and attaining specified goals by medicating between the individual and the organization in such a manner that both will obtain maximum satisfaction.”

Weihrich and Koontz. “Leadership is defined as influence, that is the art  or process of influencing people so that they will strive willingly and enthusiastically in ward the achievement of group goals.”

Peter Drucker. “Leadership is lifting of a man’s vision to higher sights, the raising of a man’s performance to a higher standard, and the building of a man’s personality beyond its normal limitations.

Business Communication | Meeting


Face to face Oral communication among groups of people is essential to certain phases of business. Message represent an important of segment of business communication, become meeting can often achieve results that would be difficult to generate by phone or letter.
Purposive between two more people is a common definition of a meeting.
A meeting can defined as gathering of three or more people sharing common objectives where communication (verbal and/ or written) is the primary means of achieving those objectives.
A meeting is effective when it achieves in objective in minimum amount of time to be satisfactory of the participants. Meeting can range from formal to very informal.


In large organization formal meeting are usually held at regular held at regular intervals and are considered by the groups elected officers. The major officer are:
1 President.
2 Vice President
3 Recording Security (Responsible for minute)
4 Corresponding Security
5 Treasurer
Formal meeting follow strict parliamentary procedure, which is a set rules for conducting meetings.

Business Communication | Procedure Of Taking An Interview


Following are the procedure to taken an interview.


The interviewer at the beginning of the interviewer should invite the candidates in a manner that is taking to his friend with a warm smile at his face with friendly tones of voice and he should welcome the applicant.


After welcoming the applicant, the interviewer should start the interviewer taking on the subjects, he want about his starting with the back ground of applicant, job, activities, technical qualification, willingness, social effective and emotional balance and experience of the same job.


After getting information from the applicant, the interviewer should see his requirements, whether the applicants is fulfilling the requirements or not.


After selecting the top applicants who are fulfilling his requirements, he should go on to priorities for selecting the final candidates.

Business Communication | Preparation For The Interviewer


The interviewer must bear in his mind the following points before interviewing.


The interviewer should know well his organization and have all the information for which is interviewing.


The interviewer should also know the working conditions of organization in which the candidates have to under go.


The interviewer should also know about the requirements of the job that is character, personality of the candidate.

The interviewer should also necessary arrangements to take interviewer and tries to gives benefits to all applicants i.e. provides waiting room with chairs, fans etc.

Business Communication | Kinds Of Capitalism


Capitalism , keeping , it past history in view , can be classified as under:
1.     Laissez faire capitalism
2.     Modified capitalism


Laissez faire is a French term meaning absence of governmental control over industry and business . This system of capitalism started off in Europe and the U.S amidst industrial revolution and came to an end in between the first and second world wars. During the period the system was quite free of any type of government interference and, consequently , the manufacture and seller went rampant in plundering customer and produced innumerable other evils . the producers created business combination to keep prices high and quality low and curb  competition . The ultimate result was the Great Depression tearing down the industrial development , creating unemployment , and bringing bankruptcies.


It is far better economic system than the laissez faire capitalism . It was first introduced in the U.S . After studying the cause of the Great Depression the government curbing the evils of the free capitalism , enacted stern laws , and banned all forms of business combination . Now in most countries across the world prevails modified  capitalism marking strict laws , defending interests of all parties involved in any type of business including consumers , producers, capitalists , laborers and the government itself . Best example of countries adopting modified capitalism are U.S. in America , Japan in Asia , Germany in Europe , and Australia where all means of production , utility services are in the private sector . Ordnance  factories , railways , airliners , small and heavy industries banks, insurances companies , and post officers are all in the private sector in these countries.   

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Business Communication | Interview


Interviews are face-to-face communication. It is a form of interpersonal Communication. Interviews are not just for job procurement.
An interview is a conversation with a purpose . It includes all form of conversation i.e. speaking, listening and writing.

The purpose for which interviews are carried may be as follows:


The job candidate wants to learn about the position and organization. The employers wants to learn about the applications abilities and experiences. Both hope to make good impression and to reach an agreement.


The interviewer seeks that bear on a decisions or contributes to basic understanding. One person asks a list of questions and the other supplies answer to them.


One person tells another about a new ides, productive, or service and explains why the other should act on the recommendation. Persuasive interviews are usually associated with selling.


The interviews tries to understand why the interviews is leaving the organization or transferring to another organization or development.


A supervisor periodically gives an employee feedback, on the or her performance. The supervisor and the employee discuss progress towards progress predetermined goals and evaluation areas that requires improvement.


Counselling take by a supervisor, officer, or counselor who may ask questions relating to work or problem from the employee. In other cases interviews may be conducted by a doctor/psychiatrist of patient or person facing psychological problem.


Two competing people or groups of people explore their new problems and attitudes. The goal is to bring the two parties closer together and create a more productive climate


A supervisor tries to correct the behavior of an employee who has ignored the organization ‘s rules and regulations. The interviews tries to get the employee to see the need for compliance.


A supervisor informs an employee of the reason for termination. The interviews tries to avoid legal action and tries to maintain relationship with the interviews.

Business Communication | Purpose Of Listening


Listening serves a number of important purpose. It enables the listener to check on the accuracy of understanding what the speaker said. Beside the listener expresses acceptance of speakers feelings. Most important of all listening provides a chance to the speaker to explore his or her feeling and thoughts further.
So it can be said that in listening we again new information and idea about different subject. As in a class room or listening makes us aware of floods of information about different subjects.
By listening we enhance our knowledge about new facts. Listening also motives us. By listening to a speaker, we not only learn something new also develop an urge to learn new things and ideas.
Listening also improves our own communication, when we listen to people who inspire us, they become our role models. So we follow them and develop effective communication skills in us.

Business Communication| Essentials for Good Listening


Listening is a skill that need to be mastered. Everyone cannot be a good listener. Once of the primary essentials for developing good listening skills is cultivation of a positive attitude. It is difficult to listen objectively to what the order person is saying if listening begins on a negative note. A positive inclination enables the receiver to be open to the suggestions and statement made by the sender. A closed mind and unwillingness to listen to reason or ideas the suggest a deviation form the norm, lead to an unreceptive attitude.


Developing a positive stance alone will not suffice. It needs to be coupled with the ability to concentrate. The mind possess tremendous capacity to swing in more than one direction. Control needs to be exercised to prevent mental moves in warranted directions. The entire process can be compared to meditation. The same degree of rigor and concentration needs to be applied. There is a scientific reason behind errors that crop up at he time of communication. The speaking capacity of an individual is approximately 180 to 250 words per minute. The capacity of the individual to process words is approximately 400 to 600 words per minute. If there is a small deviation or digression either on the part of the sender to the listener, the mind takes leap. By the time it resumes its original position, the sender has already transmitted a major chunk of his message. Hence arise errors in communication leading to what is commonly referred to as “miscommunication”. If by extreme discipline the receiver can train himself to listen attentively, these errors would be minimized.


However, these could be instances when the mind gets exhausted and stops paying attention. In such instances  prudent move would be to indulge in question-answer  sequences. When a recipient directly asks  a question, the normal tendency of the sender it is very difficult for the mind to stray. Eyes revel as well as conceal a lot. If the eyes are subject to the scrutiny of the sender, it is very difficult for the listener to doze off or stay. This strategy is a very useful one as it stalls error in the listening process.


The body language at the time of listening should also be conductive to the communication process. Leaning back or sitting slumped in the chair is gestures through which the listener is distancing himself from the sender. If an upright position or a slight lean in the chair could be sported automatically receiver would be lessening the distance between himself and the encoder. Chances are high that there would be improvement in his listening.

Business Communication| Listening


Listening can be defined as the accurate perception of what is being communicated. Accuracy, it may be stated, is never 100%. Because of the differing perceptions of individuals, there are bound to be differences in understand the intent of the message. The process of listening is two-fold:
1       Decoding .
2       Giving an internal response to perceived message.


The process of decoding takes place as soon as the message reaches the receiver. At the time of communication his mind is literally open for the reception of the reception of the entire message. How much of the information he decided to use or consider as relevant is contingent upon his perception of the message. Words and statements are best understood when there is an understanding of the context. If the sender has been careful, the usage of terms would be easily comprehensible to the receiver. However, if he has missed out certain links, in the hope that the receiver would  be familiar with them, the decoding process would suffer a major setback. The decoder would view the utterances from his own perspective and give a  response. Without either party realizing it, the seeds for the first stage of miscommunication have already been sown.
Moving on the presumption that the decoding has been accurate or exactly as was desired by the sender, communication progresses to the second stage, that is giving an internal response to perceived message. This would entail the stage where the receiver would probably try to weigh the utterance with respect to his own needs and expectations. If there is harmony between the two, his response is going to be well formulated and conductive to the growth of communication. Listening there is a three-tier process:


Information or message are  poured in the mind of the receiver and collect like a garbage heap. The mind automatically sifts through the material and picks up areas or ideas on which it would prefers to focus. These would pertain to the level of interest and expectations of the receiver. Finally, it assimilates only those issues that it thinks are of direct relevance to it.