Friday, April 10, 2020

Dictating Procedure Business Communication


Remember these key points in dictating are similar to the steps in making an oral presentation.

1 Identify the reader.
2 Determine the purpose of the communication.
3 Organize the idea to the presented, and
4 Outline the major and minor points to be covered in the dictation process.

Of course, before you more forward with any of these four points, you should know to use the equipment how to step, erase, pause, and play back. But with that knowledge in mind, you can be the dictation process.

Normally you will initial a letter report or replying to the piece of correspondence just received. In any case the reader must be identified. Is the recipient a customer? Dealer? Prospect ? Employee? Government official? Next, what is your purpose that often determines the organization of the communication.

Everyone has slightly different way of organization or outlines the message to  be dictated. Some individual prefer to enter the outlines in the marginal or at the bottom of the letter being answered. Others find it easier to use a separate sheet of paper and some people are comfortable making up the outline in their heads. Regardless of the method, an outline is vital. When it has complete review it for.

1 Logical sequence of ideas (obviously it is easier to moves ideas around in the outline than it is in the finished letter or report :
2 Possible omission of ideas: and
3 Possible duplication or addition of unnecessary topics.

Now just one more point before dictating: Do you have the correct spelling of the recipient’s name? The address? Model number and  specification data?

You will find a little practice will help you to become adopt as a dictator. And you will save a great deal of time in the bargain. The key is the outline if it is logical sufficiently detailed, and carefully edited dictating from it will prove to  be very easy indeed.

The dictation should establish a reasonable speed of dictation; if you are dictating in a word processing center, the organization will have established norms for dictating speeds.

Be sure to be very clear in dictating. Pronounce words distinctly and spell any usually words or names. Also provide the transaction with oral clues as to where you want certain kinds of punctuation.

Remember that be transaction may be very unfamiliar with the situation which you know well; thus it well be up to dictate in a manner that will enable the transcribe to product perfect copy.


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