Capitalism ,
keeping , it past history in view , can be classified as under:
1. Laissez faire capitalism
2. Modified capitalism
faire is a French term meaning absence of governmental control over industry
and business . This system of capitalism started off in Europe and the U.S
amidst industrial revolution and came to an end in between the first and second
world wars. During the period the system was quite free of any type of government
interference and, consequently , the manufacture and seller went rampant in
plundering customer and produced innumerable other evils . the producers
created business combination to keep prices high and quality low and curb competition . The ultimate result was the
Great Depression tearing down the industrial development , creating
unemployment , and bringing bankruptcies.
It is far
better economic system than the laissez faire capitalism . It was first
introduced in the U.S . After studying the cause of the Great Depression the
government curbing the evils of the free capitalism , enacted stern laws , and
banned all forms of business combination . Now in most countries across the
world prevails modified capitalism
marking strict laws , defending interests of all parties involved in any type
of business including consumers , producers, capitalists , laborers and the
government itself . Best example of countries adopting modified capitalism are
U.S. in America , Japan in Asia , Germany in Europe , and Australia where all
means of production , utility services are in the private sector . Ordnance factories , railways , airliners , small and
heavy industries banks, insurances companies , and post officers are all in the
private sector in these countries.
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